Photo: Meg Pier. It indicates a threat to the mangrove ecosystem if infrastructure development causes a decrease in the value of the vegetation index significantly significant from year to year. This study aimed (1) to examine the green and fair strategy in developing mangrove ecotourism in Bedul, Banyuwangi. Mangrove forest ecosystems are also a source of nutrition and have an aesthetic. This type of research is qualitative. This ES includes ecotourism in some mangrove sites from Sumatra, Java and Sulawesi. Balang Baru Village is one of the villages that is used as a tourism village in Jeneponto Regency. First, being an attractive tourism site and second, reducing the vulnerability to CC impacts on ecotourism. The recreation unit features a boardwalk among the trees, and a restaurant that offers a Swahili cuisine experience to tourists. Edorgan, N. The mangroves form a buffer between the land, sea and Mekong River, helping to maintain this patch of the Delta and shielding communities against natural. The Mangrove Ecosystem. This ES includes ecotourism in some mangrove sites from Sumatra, Java and Sulawesi. Hutan Wisata Mangrove Surabaya merupakan kawasan wisata yang menggabungkan wisata. 86% was sufficient. 5. Environmental services in the form ecotourism at mangrove forest of Tanjung Batu, Berau District, East Kalimantan Province is one of the natural resources that have not been used. The resultsThe study results mangrove ecotourism potential in the Village of West Oesapa find the highest power is the factor of the environment surrounding the appeal of mangrove and weaknesses namely, the tourism management in Mangrove forest ecotourism Oesapa Village West. They protect nearby areas from tsunamis and extreme weather events. 2021. An indicator of a strong social capital is a community institution which is run properly. May 2022 • Solo. 00 WIB. Wisata Hutan Mangrove Wonorejo : Potensi Ecotourism dan Edutourism Di Surabaya. This matrix will produce four potential strategies for developing mangrove ecotourism along the coast of Siak Re-of mangrove ecotourism is one of the alternative development that can help over-come the problem. Pollution load simulation results showed that ecotourism mangrove Blanakan had suffered pollution by phosphate, ammonia pollution carrying capacity will be passed in 2019 and organic waste in the year 2011 to 2013, while nitrate and garbage until the year 2032 has not been exceeded. 2. Management of mangrove ecosystems diversifies tourist destinations, subsequently, it ma y enrich alternative coastal tourism. (Mangroves, which store outsized amounts of carbon in their root systems, are a critical nature-based solution to climate change). Eighty point. will serve as focal point for the comm. The ecotourism activitiesThe role of mangrove forests includes protection against storms and tsunamis [5,6,7], the regulation of water systems, habitat provision for various fish and other animals, and a source of biodiversity and wood and non-timber forest products [8,9]. Based on the results that Dodola Island is suitable for utilizing to develop ecotourism. Mangrove forest tourism contains mangrove forests that are beautiful and natural but have suffered damage to the natural environment, less than ideal and optimal infrastructure. Jurnal Kelautan, 4(1), 11-17. 14 million in 2000; domestic tourism experienced a 7. Spanning 20,500 acres in South Abaco, the Abaco National Park was created to protect the Bahama Parrot and its breeding grounds. Discover the world's research. The mangrove forest was started in the 90’s when a group of Japanese students began reforestation activities. Ekosistem Mangrove Sebagai Obyek Wisata Alam Di Kawasan Konservasi Mangrove dan Bekantan Di Kota Tarakan (Ecosystem Mangrove as an Ecotourism in Conservation Area for Mangrove and Proboscis Monkey at Tarakan City) Sugiyono. Maintaining the ecological balance of nature topped among the ecological importance with 95. Abstract. Pantai Indah Kapuk Mangrove Ecotourism Park which is depicted through a map of tourist movements. Mangroves are ecosystems that can protect the sustainability of small islands, coastal areas, and watersheds threatened with erosion or abrasion due to waves of sea and river. The priority that needs to be carried out in the development of ecotourism areas is the provision of supporting facilities for ecotourism activities. Kata kunci : Pulau Pramuka, Ekowisata, Ekosistem Mangrove, SWOT The high level of abrasion and wave impact on the environmental quality of coastal ecosystems resulting in a mangrove area on the wane even broken, so it is necessary efforts mangrove ecotourism development through ecotourism activities as a way to preserve coastal ecosystems. The method used in this research is a survey method, which was. The result of the suitability analysis show that the mangrove area of the Pangempang area is included in the appropriate or standard category (S2) namely 62%, which is suitable for development into. Ecotourism atau ekoturisme atau ekowisata atau pariwisata ekologis menjadi tren wisata kekinian. Ecotourism is a form of tourism that contains conservation principles. This research was conducted in April to August 2019 to determine the potential of Mangrove Ecotourism in the village Tanjung Limau, Muara Badak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji ekowisata hutan mangrove, metode dan sifat penelitian ini diskriptif eksploratif dengan cara pengumpulan data melalui studi kepustakaan dan data dari Badan Pusat Statistik Indonesia. Jl. Ecotourism plan is designed by the spatial distribution of ecotourism into 15 ha as reception area, 2 ha as service area, 68 ha as buffer area, and. Ecowave, Arugam Bay. 2. That is why ecotourism is important and mangroves should remain. Keywords: Clungup Mangrove Conservation, ecotourism, sustainable, volunteer. 23% in good category; 3) the public perception of the cleanliness of mangrove forest ecotourism in Pasir Village, Mempawah Hilir District, Mempawah Regency, an average value of 84. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R & D. Data were collected by questionnaire addressed to visitors, local. The develop mangrove tourism, it is necessary to look at several aspects, such as an example of a case study in the Mangrove Area in Klong Kone, Thailand that several things need to be measured. Mangrove ecosystems in Lembar Village, West Lombok District, Indonesia has high ecological role and economic. The total area of BMLC Ecotourism is 67 ha. The success of the community to rehabilitate the mangrove area in Sei Nagalawan and to utilise its resources in a sustainable manner is the result of high levels of participationdevelopment of Tongke-tongke Mangrove Ecotourism by portraying the perspective of tourists as the main target of tourism in proposing development strategics of the area as community–based ecotourism. “Life in this area is. Kawasan konservasi alam mangrove seluas 99,82 Ha yang dimanfaatkan untuk pariwisata dan rekreasi alam. The increasing of anthropogenic activities affected to decreasing of mangrove area and mangrove tourism attractive. This conservation-based ecotourism can optimize the potential of the mangrove ecosystem by paying attention. S2 = appropriate, with the value ranging from 50 to < 83%. Mangroves are a vital ecosystem that benefit our environment, economy, and communities. MPCA safeguards began in 2001 through the Mayor of Tarakan's Decree Number 591/HK-V/257/2001 with an area of only 3ha. Tercatat 25 jenis mangrove sejati tumbuh di Karimunjawa dan selain memiliki fungsi khusus, keberadaan ekosistem hutan mangrove di Pulau Karimunjawa potensial dikembangkan sebagai suatu objek wisata alam yang dapat memberikan edukasi khusus kepada pengunjungnya . Bonorowo Wetlands 6: 92-102. In order. Arnel Murga. Hule is head of Swamini, a self-help group set up by nine women from this fishing community in Maharashtra who started Mandavi Eco Tourism in 2017. (0. Abstract The potential of ecotourism in Margasari village needs to be improved, one of which is to be promoted through social media. Berdasarkan informasi yang disampaikan Yossi, harga tiket masuk bagi pengunjung dewasa mulai dari Rp 30. Mangrove Ecotourism Centre Pantai Indah Kapuk is a tourism destination in Jakarta that managed by Ministry of Forestry. Akan tetapi, penurunan luasan tutupan mangrove terus terjadi. The potential for the use of mangrove ecosystems in West Kalimantan is in areas that have been developed as a mangrove ecotourism destination, one of which is the Standing Bay Mangrove which is located on the coast of Kubu Raya Regency. Exploration and experimental centre act a. The park is an ideal destination for ecotourism, it is home to different species of mangrove trees and it serves as a sanctuary for various types of birds and marine species. Ecotourism is defined as a form of travel that is responsible to the natural area is done with the aim of conserving the environment and preserve the life and well-being of local residents. Indonesia has placed mangroves on its national priority agenda in an important effort to sustainably manage this ecosystem and achieve national climate commitments. However, it has not been running optimally due to lack of theMangrove forest has been a popular ecotourism destination recently. The aim of this research was to give alternative strategies of mangrovemangrove ecotourism area, Makassar City. Therefore we need research on mangrove ecotourism development strategy to support the ongoing preservation of the coastal environment. Pteroptyx are often found in mangrove, estuary, wetland and brackish water ecosystems (Ballantyne and McLean, 1970). Metode pengambilan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metoda. 112. Eco-Tourism; Family Fun There’s fun for all ages here. Indonesia hopes that alongside state efforts, 'ecotourism. The alternative strategy in managing mangrove ecotourism at Mororejo village should involve the local community in handling ecotourism activities such as fishing activitity, birdwatching, and mangrove conservation (score 2. But having the world's densest population, it is difficult to protect the flora and fauna unless there are economic benefits to the country as well as to the local people. Mangrove Center Tuban (MCT) Jenu is a conservation area of mangrove forests in Tuban District, it is located on the north coast with a width of about 56 ha. Ecotourism can provide considerable benefits to the environment, local. Field trips and outdoor activities are common in the park, making it the perfect place for outdoor lovers to visit. In 2015 the area was developed into a mangrove ecotourism area as a form of utili zation to obtain ecological and economic sustainability for the local community. Citation 2019). Fifty head of household from Lubuk Kertang and 90 visitors in Lubuk Kertang eco-tourism, while 52 head of the family and 361 visitors to Sei Nagalawan eco-tourism were collected to answer closed-ended questions as. This matrix will produce four potential strategies for developing mangrove ecotourism along the coast of Siak Re-The development of mangrove ecotourism is an effort to utilize environmental services from coastal areas in a sustainable manner. The establishment of mangrove areas in Dualaus Village for ecotourism activities is the right strategy for. One of the methods to assess the mangrove potential for ecotourism is by using Tourism Suitability Index. Pollution load simulation results showed that ecotourism mangrove Blanakan had suffered pollution by phosphate, ammonia pollution carrying capacity will be passed in 2019 and organic waste in the year 2011 to 2013, while nitrate and garbage until the year 2032 has not been exceeded. Utilization of mangrove ecosystem for the concept of tourism (ecotourism) in line with the change in the interest of tourists from old tourism as a new tourism. The Ecotourism Mangrove Forest at Wonorejo in East Coast Surabaya area is one of large mangrove forest inside in the metropolitan city in Indonesia. 33 Tahun 2009, tentang pedoman pengembangan ekowisata di daerah, ekowisata itu memiliki prinsip pengembangan yang harus diperhatikan yaitu kesesuaian karakteristik kawasan, konservasi, ekonomis, edukasi, kepuasan pengalaman wisata, serta menampung. springer. 81 mi) bamboo trail that takes visitors deep into the mangrove forest. It was concluded that mangrove ecotourism in Siak regency required priority funding to develop facilities and ecotourism's business training to cultivate sustainable management of mangrove ecotourism. Since the ecotourism project closed, he says, he has had no income. mangrove forests appears to be an alternative habitat for wild animals (such as birds, bats, and monkeys), thus enriching the biodiversity of mangrove forests. Therefore, Mangrove Forest is inseparable from ecotourism because it is a way of utilizing natural resources for human satisfaction. 88" - 2°44'8. Keywords: mangrove ecotourism; ecotourism attraction; Bulu Cindea Village ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan strategi pengembangan ekowisata mangrove di Desa Bulu Cindea, Kabupaten Maros. Threats to Kenyan MangrovesEKOSISTEM MANGROVE DI PULAU PRAMUKA, KEPULAUAN SERIBU Ecotourism Development Strategy with Mangrove Ecosystem Studies at Pramuka Island, Kepulauan Seribu Aditya Cahya Putra 1), Sutisno Anggoro 2) dan Kismartini 1) 1) Magister Ilmu Lingkungan 2) Doktoral Manajemen Sumberdaya Pantai Program Pascasarjana. Wonorejo Mangrove Ecotourism of Surabaya is one of the protected forest areas in Surabaya as mentioned in the Regional Regulation Number 3 of 2007 regarding with Surabaya Urban Spatial Planning. 00 - 15. Alamat / Lokasi: Jalan Raya Wonorejo No. Segara Anakan Lagoon is an important example for cultural services utilization, such as mangrove dynamic and virtual-cultural heritage. viii RIWAYAT HIDUP Kasiono Kurniawan lahir di Luwu Timur, Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan, pada tanggal 8 Mei 1994. needs of local community and improve their welfare. 6. However, they are one of the most threatened ecosystems in the tropics. Mangrove eco tourism locates in east Surabaya. The use of mangroves for ecotourism is also in line with the shift in tourist interest from old tourism to new tourism that manages and seeks specific, natural, and biodiversity-specific ecotourism destinations. Manajemen Keberlanjutan Ecotourism Hutan Mangrove. They also help to prevent erosion from wind and waves and sequester and store carbon. Mapping zones of mangrove ecotourism opportunities was done by calculation of score matrix of assessment condition around study areas. (2015). Surjanti et al. It indicates a threat to the mangrove ecosystem if infrastructure development causes a decrease in the value of the vegetation index significantly. Mangroves are an important ecosystem that provides valuable social, economic, and environmental services. However, despite the breadth and great popularity it has accumulated over the years, the concept still seems unclear as many people keep. The eco-tourism village near Virar has a one-of-its-kind boat safari, bird-watching mangrove boardwalk, serene nature trails and. Ecotourism is one way to do to preserving natural mangrove foerest and wildlife contained therein. Kata Kunci: Mangrove, Konservasi, Eduwisata, Ekowisata ABSTRACT Mangrove ecotourism is one of the assets that has beauty and potential to be developed properly and structured. promoting sustainable ecotourism and exp. Tourism activities supported by various facilities and services. , Hendriyanto, O. Keywords: Design, Eco-tourism, Brand Awareness. Under the Mangrove eco-tourism, this Mangrove and Marine Biodiversity Information Centre will be home to various interventions like Mangrove boat safari, nature trails, birdwatching, mangrove. mangroves could be a threat as Qurniati et al (2017a) revealed community surrounding the forest have limited capital, it could decrease the conservation effort by the community. Pendahuluan Latar Belakang Ekosistem mangrove terdiri atas berbagai tumbuhan, hewan dan mikrob yang saling berinteraksi dengan lingkungan di habitat mangrove. I. development of mangrove ecotourism, the main step that needs to be studied is the identification of ecotourism conditions and potentials in the area through an analysis of land suitability and ecotourism carrying capacity. The results of the analysis show that tourists are divided into 3 based on their goals,Therefore, Mangrove Forest is inseparable from ecotourism because it is a way of utilizing natural resources for human satisfaction. conservation and ecotourism management of mangrove areas should be able to create opportunities to increase revenue either directly or indirectly. Mangrove forest m anagement is im portant for environmental co nservation efforts in coastal areas. Furthermore, an analysis of the environmental impact assessment (EIA) of ecotourism in Can Gio Mangrove Biosphere Reserve, Vietnam, revealed that waste accumulation is a major worry if visitors, management staff, and local operators in that area are unconcerned about it (Tran & Walter, 2014). The purpose of this study is to formulate an appropriate alternative strategy for the management of the Pantai Indah Kapuk Mangrove Ecotourism Center area to make it more developed. Clungup Mangrove Conservation (CMC) is one of Indonesia’s ecotourism objects, which is used as a reference point for several natural tourism managers to develop into ecotourism. In one of the recent studies undertaken by Spalding and Parrett ( 2019 ), mangrove forests are found as tourist’s attractions in many countries across the globe. The results showed that IKW reached 87. Kuala Sepetang Mangrove Tour Coordinates 4°50'5"N 100°37'37"E. Askar H, Tahang H, Sutinah S, Fakhriyyah S, Bahar A, Tresnati J, Tuwo A. While we don’t yet have a comprehensive and large-scale overview of the full extent of mangrove ecotourism activities in the region, the community in ecotourism, environment, or conservation) 5 2. Key words: ecotourism, mangrove, carrying capacity PENDAHULUANJenis mangrove yang ditemukan di Pulau Kelapan adalah Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora mucronata, Xylocarpus granatum yang tersebar di setiap stasiun pengamatan. Mangrove ecotourism development at Bilik and Sijile Beach, Labuhan Merak. Research. 75 ,US$ 7. The result of the analysis comformity of ecotourism mangrove was shown in the station I, II, and III respectively are 67%, 78%, and 70% that the mangrove forest area of Kaliuntu Village was include in suitable catagory to be targetted as the ecotourism area in Rembang Regency. One of them is located at Mengkapan Village, Siak District. Abstract. 5%, placing it in the Very Suitable category (S1) to be developed as an ecotourism area. The study of the Bandar mangrove ecotourism development model is limited to the understanding or knowledge possessed by the government, society and the private sector in their role as the main factor in ecotourism development. INFO. MAB is currently working to promote mangrove restoration as a nature-based solution to biodiversity loss and climate change, in the context of the twin UN Decades 2021-2030 (Ecosystem Restoration & Ocean Science for Sustainable Development). Mikoko Pamoja manages a mangrove ecotourism enterprise in Gazi Bay. 2013. The method used in this study is a survey method. 000 hingga US$50. Ecotourism development in a mangrove forest area includes many positive and negative aspects and requires a sustainablecomprehensive study. The aim of the study was to analyze the management of mangrove ecotourism. In Indonesia, the rapid rate of mangrove loss over the past three decades, combined with the promise of these carbon-dense ecosystems to mitigate climate change impacts, has catalyzed the world’s largest replanting program. km. This MCT area has. The area is located at latitude 2°35'7. In this park, wooden boardwalks help you to get up close and personal with the exotic mangrove ecology. Supaya dapat menjelajahi hutan mangrove, pengunjung harus menyeberangi sungai menggunakan perahu menuju lokasi. This research was conducted from December 2019 to March 2020, aimed atknow the ecological conditions, community structures and types of mangrove forest utilization in the mangrove ecotourism area of Gampong Baro, Setia Bakti District, Aceh Jaya Regency. However, mangrove management is faced with complex challenges encompassing social, ecological, and economic issues. For example, the prop-roots and pneumatophores of mangroves that extend into the intertidal and subtidal are home to. Ecotourism: A Case Study in Idaman Mangrove Ecotourism of Balang Baru Village, Tarowang District, Jeneponto Regency (Supervised by Hamzah and Ambo Tuwo) This study aims to analyze ecological and social-economic aspects and assess the sustainability of the mangrove ecotourism management based on ecological, economic, and social. Harga tiket masuk ke hutan mangrove ini sebesar 25 ribu untuk turis lokal. Taman Wisata Alam (TWA) Mangrove Angke Kapuk, Jakarta Utara (Dok. 5 Mangrove ecotourism management policy in Siak regency. Respondents were selected using purposive sampling method. I. Ecotourism activities do not increase knowledge to the people who work in the ecotourism area 1 Mangrove Mangrove density (m2) (Weight 4) Management of mangrove-based tourism areas is a new trend and positive opportunities that are of double benefit. In nine villages of Raigad, Ratnagiri, and Sindhudurg districts, the Mangrove Foundation boosts.